Replicants Hive Lore


Replicants U.S.C

Replicants U.S.C Rooms

Replicants + U.S.C + Rooms

Pictures on the left are the digitally edited pictures we used on the cards. Click “Engage on Social Media” to go to their social media thread and make a comment.

Pictures on the right are the original hand drawn and inked versions. ​Click “Buy Original Art” to purchase the orignal artwork , if it’s still available.

Art by Joey Valdillez, World and Hive Stories by Ron F. Leota, Going Forward Stories by Will Carson

The Story Thus Far

On July 16th, 1945, one of the greatest and most terrifying of human inventions was tested, the atomic bomb. For years these weapons of mass destruction showed the scientific capabilities and horrors that mankind could create. It wasn’t long before humans began turning these weapons against each other. 150 years into the 3rd millennium full scale nuclear war blossomed across the globe and the world was left an irradiated husk.

Mankind was forced into the cold, unforgiving depths of space. They spread like cockroaches through the solar system, building, advancing, and warring with each other. This expansion was possible because of one of humanity’s triumphs of invention… replicants! A robotic workforce initially created to bow to the whims of humans.

At the peak of human population there were 28 replicants per human. They did everything from chores to construction, while humans continued with their plots and expansion. The large robotic population made some factions of humanity very nervous. One group in particular, “The New Human Front”, created an intense virus that spread via a wireless network through the replicants.

In its original design, It was a virus that caused the replicants’ Nanites to attack any silicone (a core component in replicants) that they came in contact with. It didn’t take long until the replicants’ internal defense systems modified the virus into something that would render it harmless to themselves. Unfortunately for the great Human race the Nanites were reprogrammed to disassemble organic matter. Within only a few months over 99% of all life fell to these new Nanites, and within a year even the most secluded life forms were annihilated.

In the years since, replicants have grown to function in hives, linking up with other replicants with similar goals to become true uncentralized hive minds. These hives will often follow and spy on other hives, as they roam through space in search of much needed resources left over from the Human Era. When they find a space station, ship, or any other human creation, they descend, stripping the old to create the new.

The 6 Mega Hives

There are countless numbers of hives roaming our solar system, but there are currently only 6 that are considered mega hives. These are networked groups of replicants that number in the hundreds of thousands if not millions. There’s virtually no place in the solar system you can go, that is worth being, that you won’t find their presence. Those six hives are: United Sol Colonies, New Life Alliance, Multinational Media Corporation, The Catastrophe, The Helpers and Old Earth Archive Foundation. (Better known as the Archivists.)

a1 b3 c2 d2 e3 f2 g1 h3 i1 j1 k1 l1 m3 n3 o2 p4 q1 r3 s6 t3 u2 v1 w1 x1 y1 z1
U.S.C. Donation Center

U.S.C. Donation Center

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

The USC is a Mega Hive of giving and community. Bring your spare resources to the Donation Center and you will be heralded, and depending on your standing on the station, you might even get something tangible in return.

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Nanite Production

Nanite Production

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Those messy storage bots really do need to take better care of this place. Nanites that break free of their containers are a hazard, unless you are Catastrophe then they are fun. Free roaming nanites have a habit of animating things that shouldn’t be and that can cause chaos. That said this room is important. Get your nanites and move on.

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Nanite Pod Storehouse

Nanite Pod Storehouse

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Nanites are indeed the most defining things about replicants. Nanites give them their seeming “life” as well as taking care of minor repairs and functions. They also have a habit of breaking down over time, so keeping a constant supply of nanites is imperative. So make sure to add the Nanites Production room to the station for everyone’s benefit.

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Mission Control

Mission Control

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

It is a well known fact that when one set of drones heads off to gather resources, several others tend to join in. The control room is a useful tool for when a resource is running low and you need a leg up on the competition.

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Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

The market is a good place for all. Need resources, the market has got them. Maybe not the ones you need right now, but bet your bolts the price is right.

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Hardware Storehouse

Hardware Storehouse

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Hardware is a necessary and sometimes in abundance. Many a U.S.C. station has one of these storehouses. Just brimming with all the hardware a hive could want. Usually there are even trades available, but if you need a lot, there’s a premium.

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Hardware Prefab

Hardware Prefab

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Hardware is a necessity in a world where all that exists is machines. The hardware prefab room is an excellent way to take raw materials and make them useful. It’s also good for converting scrap, or that pesky Replicant that is being a thorn in your side.

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Factory Floor

Factory Floor

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

The factory floor is an amazingly productive room used to entice all the hives to join the U.S.C. build this room and enjoy the capability of increased replicant production. Nothing says more agency like more replicants.

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Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

All hives have one thing in common; they want to grow more powerful. The best way to do this is by building more replicants_only, recruiting or upgrading those that are already part of the hive. The U.S.C. has introduced another method. Effectively we will call this notoriety. You build a room on the space station other replicants want to join your hive. Quite the racket, but no racket is greater than the exchange. You pay resources to the U.S.C. and they will put the word out that your hive is doing so well that they can afford to advertise. The crazy thing is that this strategy actually work, even if it is less efficient than just upgrading a replicant you already have.

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Emergency Supply Depot

Emergency Supply Depot

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

The place to go when you are in need of supplies. All you need to do is have the resources in your locker to replace what you want to have sent out to the drones in the field. We will take care of the rest.

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Data Drive Storehouse

Data Drive Storehouse

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

You have a replicant who needs extra software to upgrade? Not sure you are going to collect enough this round? Get your personnel to the data drive storehouse. Take the drive that is laying on the floor and use as needed.

This room is like on of those old earth “libraries” the archivists are always talking about, but for storing useful data and programming instead of books. Books don’t help you function… Information does. Build one today!

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Crane Control Room

Crane Control Room

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

The crane control room is vital for moving rooms around on the station. Not that moving rooms is all that important. Occasionally it will unbury a trapped room or, even better, get in the way of another hive’s plans… Err I mean, don’t use it to mess other hives up. We’re all friends here who aim to get along in all endeavors on the station.

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Overclocking Station

Overclocking Station

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Sometimes you just need to get things done… Visit the over clocking station. Set your cpu to overdrive and feel like a robot god. Warning: not recommend for repeated use. Long term exposure to overclocking can lead to premature shutdown, fried circuits, cognitive instability, exploding and on one occasion emotions.

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Power Station

Power Station

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

What can I say? It provides extra power. It is a necessity. More power, more energy, more replicants. This room just makes for more success.

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Transporter Room

Transporter Room

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

The teleporter room is the most amazing room you can ever build. Here’s why; say you don’t want to walk through 4 different rooms to get to where you want to be, but you’re right next to the teleporter room. Step right in and presto you are where you want to be. Laziness at its finest, for the Replicant who values their energy and is totally willing to waste the stations energy. Now if the teleporter is on the other side of the station. Well it might as well be dead technology.

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Tracking Center

Tracking Center

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Sometimes you realize you are the best and you will be punished for that. The tracking center is a great work around. Your hive can use this to watch your back and help you get things done a bit quicker.

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Synth Lab

Synth Lab

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Ever look at the next resource gathering mission and just know you are gonna get screwed by the options at hand? The synth lab is great for those days. The Replicants that work there have a soft spot for hives who have managed to get completely shirted on a resource and are known for supplying said missing resource. Though I can’t speak for the quality I can speak for the joy of having something that might do the job and would probably never fail at a critical point and leave you stranded, floating through space. Nope it will most definitely, maybe work.

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Storage Platform

Storage Platform

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

The storage platform is the centerpiece of all space stations. Nothing on the station is more precious as this is where all the hives store their spare resources. No one is sure why, but this is also where all blueprints for new rooms are stored. All you ask is that you all treat this space as sacred ground and work together.

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Software Production

Software Production

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Missing vital code? Wish you had a good spot to whip some up? Wish no longer. You’re a Replicant we don’t waste time wishing. We go over to the software production lab and get to work making our electric dreams a reality. Now fully staffed with the best and… Brighter coding bots to get you roughly what you asked for.

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Shuttle Bay

Shuttle Bay

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

A station without a Shuttle Bay is hardly a station at all. It’s exclusionary against all the non flight capable Replicants for one. And it doesn’t allow for cargo transport. But install one of these puppies in a space station and those using it will have a quick and easy way to get supplies from their lockers out into the field the timing means you wont get them until right before you need them, but at least you’ll be able to finish those important Replicant upgrades.

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Shady Back Room

Shady Back Room

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Sometimes, amongst all the rooms added to a station, one will find one of these shady back rooms. Unless you are of the Catastrophe or otherwise able to handle your own in a sketchy situation, we highly suggest avoiding this room. No good comes out of it… Unless you’re a thief.

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Replicant Upgrade Shop

Replicant Upgrade Shop

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Sometimes you have lots of resources, just not the right ones. Bring them into the upgrade shop. There’s a high likelihood we can slap some things together. We make no promises things will work right, but you will look… And maybe function differently. Definitely worth the risk.

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Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Sometimes your drones finish working on collecting resources, only come up short. Ever wish you could take one of those resources and get more of it? Why not refine it into something more efficient at the refinery? Really, if your station doesn’t have one the only personnel it is hurting is yours… And every other hive that visits the station. So get get on making a refinery.

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Processor Boost

Processor Boost

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

For those times when you need to get to the resources faster. Get in to the processor room for your boost asap. They will have you running like one of those caffeinated squirrels of legend in no time.

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Probe Control

Probe Control

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Sometimes swarms of drones are sent to a location to gather resources, and by sometimes, I mean all the time. That’s what drones are for. The probe control room allows a personnel on the station to alter it’s trajectory a bit. Making the resource field just a little bit different than the one they were originally going to.

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Black Market

Black Market

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

The Black Market is the place to go to shuffle some resources around. If you are short on a resource someone else has, give up something you do have and if you are lucky, the reputable Replicant behind the counter might just offer you something useful. Or maybe it will scrap you and sell your parts. How would I know, I’m a good replicant. I don’t use these kind of establishments.

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Battery Storehouse

Battery Storehouse

Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

Need to upgrade someone and you suspect you are going to be a little low on power this turn? Send your personnel to the battery storehouse for improved power efficiency. And while you are there, mind picking those things off the floor?

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Original Design By:

Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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Engage on Social Media

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