Welcome to Attention Span Games,
Home of the Pocket RPG Franchise, Carmine RPGs, the Replicants! table top card game and now Aegis of the Elements.
Join our Discord community to learn more, ask questions and otherwise engage with our team.
Active Ongoing Projects and How to Support Them
Attention Span Games has a number of projects in the works and this is how you can support them:
Waking of the Gods: Is a dark low fantasy book series written by the owner of Attention Span Games, Will Carson. And is his personal writing project. This series takes place on an alternate earth where gods, vampires, mages and all sorts of mythical things exist in secret. There is a war between the god hunters and a secret organization tasked with protecting the gods as they slumber. It is very character driven. All chapters of the novels are written in first person past tense perspective, and the novels have a chapter structure of a shifting narrator. Narration of odd chapters is done by the main character of the book, and the even chapters by the characters they primarily interacted with in the chapter before or after. Book 1 follows Dathe, a delightful boy just trying to do as much good as he can while searching the City for his true calling.
Book 1: Visions Available for purchase now.
You can support this project through its Patreon Page.
If you prefer to support this project in an annual lump sum, you can also support it here.
Or If you prefer Paypal, you can donate any amount to support this project. This all goes towards getting the physical books published and to support the team of creative types that bring this project into being. Support through this link at any of our annual levels will get you that annual perk as well.
Aegis of the Elements: Is a fantasy IP that takes place on a living planet of Vendrial. Each of the different great humanoid species controlls a different region of the planet and serves a primary purpose of helping the planet survive. This project consists primarily of short stories, lots of concept art, and audio stories, with a board game in the works and also in the early phases of a video game.
You can support it through Patreon
If you prefer to support this project in an annual lump sum, you can also support it here.
Or If you prefer Paypal, you can donate any amount to support this project. This all goes towards getting the physical books published and to support the team of creative types that bring this project into being. Support through this link at any of our annual levels will get you that annual perk as well.
Pocket RPGs: We currently have 3 games out and a number of adventures/supplements in the works, We will add those to this list as they are released.
- Big Eyes Small Brains can be bought Here, you can read more about it Here
- Laser Metal can be bought Here, you can read more about it Here
- Too Broke to Rock Adventure available for download.
- DnDizzle can be bought Here, you can read more about it Here
Indie Board Games: We also have a subsideary that distributes Indie board games. Most of which are produced throughout the Pacific NW. If you are interested in supporting Indie board game developers, check out the list of games available.

Big Eyes Small Brains Kickstarter Complete and Funded
Big Eyes, Small Brains is the third book in our 4″x6″ Pocket RPG line. We take the Parody Hammer to the anime world with this bitingly satirical take on the genre’s countless tropes and icons. Its over-the-top take on everything, from mecha to those slice-of-life shows that seem to be everywhere nowadays, is sure to bring smiles to players new and old.
Big Eyes, Small Brains ended up with a higher retail price than the other PRPGs, as this extra-big edition is more than twice as thick as previous Pocket RPGs Laser Metal and DnDizzle.
Get the game here.

Aegis of the Elements
Aegis is ASG’s newest IP that will encompass a Web comic, legacy board game and in time a phone app video game.
Aegis of the Elements takes place on the living world of Vendrial. The inhabitants of Vendrial are integral to her survival and consist of 6 great humanoid species
Each project will focus on these inhabitants and their sentient constructs, the Aegis, expanding the world towards a larger overall narrative.
Each of the main regions on Vendrial have their own artist and writer, giving each region its own look and feel. The Aegis of the Elements comic consists of several story lines and vignettes taking place throughout the world of Vendrial.
Read a blurb on each region, see bios on the writers and artists and links to comics from their region on the AotE page and sub pages.
Check out the web comic now.

Replicants! is a Scifi themed resource gathering game for most ages. Each round you deal out a new resource grid, then players take turns placing their drones on the grid to collect the corresponding resources and then use them to level up their Replicants in order to gain victory points, abilities and of course, more Replicants. It is a relatively fast paced game that is half turn based and half simultaneous play that accommodates 2-6 player and takes 45 minutes to an hour to play.
Link to “Learn to Play Replicants in 2 Minutes”
Learn more on the Replicants! page.

Replicants! U.S.C. Expansion
Time has passed, the Replicants have begun to rebuild a society of their own and the spine of this new society is a network of space stations being built by the United Sol Colonies mega hive. All are welcome on these new space stations so long as they help pitch in to keep them growing. In this expansion excess resources are no longer discarded. Instead you get to put them in your locker to be used on the space station to either help build it out or to activate the abilities of the various rooms. So join with the U.S.C. to make a better life for all Replicant kind.
Learn more on the Replicants! U.S.C. Page.